You can have the best video ever, with amazing cinematic shots, great story and awesome music, but if you use a lame font you will end up runining it. Cinematic looking fonts are more important than people realize. According to the story and your visuals, you should choose which font is the most suitable.
I often find myself scrolling font sites for hours to find one I like and need for a project. To save you some time, I made a selection of 60 amazing cinematic fonts which you can use for personal and commercial projects.
I am sure you will love them!
To have a look at how each of these fonts looks like, check the video on YouTube.
For downloading the fonts, click on the ones you like and you will get redirected to the files. It took me a while to find these so please subscribe to my YouTube channel as a sign of support.
- Alegre Sans NC
- Alegre Sans SC
- Antonio
- Aovel Sans
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Arcon
- Barbaro
- Barlow
- Barlow Condensed
- Bebas Neue
- Bebas Kai
- Broken Glass
- Built Titling
- Cinematografica
- Coolvetica
- Cooper Hewitt
- Dalmais
- Deutschlander
- Droid
- Fatcow
- Ferrum
- Gobold
- Headline News
- Heathergreen
- Heebo
- Helmet
- Henri Didot
- Kelvetica
- Kenyan Coffee
- Komoda
- Lato
- Lavigne
- League Gothic
- League Spartan
- Libel Suit
- Metropolis
- Mixolydian Titling
- Mohave
- Montserrat
- Next-Art
- Norwester
- Open Sans Condensed
- Ostrich Sans
- Oswald
- Pilsen Plakat
- PT Sans
- Roboto Slab
- SF Movie Poster
- Six Caps
- Spartan MB
- Steelfish
- Tall Dark and Handsome
- Tall Films
- Teko
- Titlium Web
- TT Directors
- Toxigenesis
- Uni Sans
In case you want to download all the fonts at once, please click the download button below and follow the steps required.
I know it can be a bit of a hassle but it helps me grow my audience, and keep providing you with cool freebies.
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